kamaro'an classic — the leather versions

初代編織三角包在 2017 年登場,已經七年啦,也是同一年,紐約的 MoMA 博物館選品店開始跟我們訂三角包,然後 kamaro’an 跟著三角包們去了好多美麗的地方,遇到好多美麗的人。



The Woven Triangle Bag first debuted in 2017, marking the beginning of its journey as one of Kamaro’an’s classic designs. Over the years, it has taken us to many places and connected us with beautiful people along the way.

This winter, we let the objects guide us to the new leather versions. Made with classic leather stitching techniques and hand-sewn finishing, they offer a more structured and sturdy form. Over time, they will develop a natural finish, carrying the traces of time.

The leather collection starts with two classic forms: the Triangle Bag, inspired by rice bags used along Taiwan’s east coast during the Japanese era, reflecting the cultural intersections on the island; and the Drawstring Bucket Bag, inspired by ancient net bags with woven rings that created adaptive drawstring closures, a classic of Austronesian craftsmanship.

mifesel 跟著媽媽(母線)走,是學編藤環的時候第一句默念的口訣,編織的時候,要讓母線帶路。


今天開始陸續寄出這個冬天的邀請卡啦!這次蓋印的種子筒和石杵,是來自 2016 時候的手稿,背面是用皮繩剩料編成的小環,可以拿下來當戒指或鑰匙圈。

小環是由 kacaw 和 lafa 編成的,是每個 k 物件的編織基礎,日常物件也有許多編織是從這個環延伸而來的,包括手稿上的種子筒和石杵。

kalac—mifesel—otal,是寫在卡片背後的三個編織階段,kalac 壓一挑一,mifesel 跟著母線走,otal 壓二挑二。慢慢跟著既有的物件走,安定自在的。


*12/22 邀請卡表單已關閉,卡片自 1/17 起陸續寄出,記得留意實體信箱。

*12/17 四年多了,依舊沈迷於製作有版次的紙本卡片,讓每個季節都留下 kamaro’an 的戳記,也許是數位時代裡人們之間的另一種依存方式。季節邀請卡限定 300份,已在網站開放填寫,我們會陸續寄出紙本卡片,記得查看實體信箱!

從 aw24 開始,我們把新品活動的時間放慢,收到季節邀請卡,有空再來走走或是坐坐喝茶就好,清清淡淡的,讓每個相遇的時刻自然而然的,應該是很好的事情吧。


This season, the invitation cards are stamped with traditional objects such as seed tubes and stone pestles, based on sketches we drew in 2016. A small woven ring, crafted from leftover leather by artisans Kacaw and Lafa, is also included. This ring is the basic of Kamaro’an’s weaving techniques and can be used as a ring or keychain.

Kalac, mifesel, and otal—the three weaving steps—Kalac involves pressing and lifting threads, mifesel means following the guidance of the mother thread, and otal creates a steady rhythm of pressing and lifting two threads.

*此系列皆採預購製作,依購買順序安排製作,製作時間為 6-8 週
*Leather versions are pre-order only, with a production time of 6–8 weeks.

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