


部落傳統的魚簍 Kapitan,有著讓螃蟹爬不上來的斜角,還有海水滲進簍裡的疏密編織,簡單的器物外型,有著許多眉眉角角的故事。

編織菱形包可以作為提籃使用,對折則成為手拿包,平時亦可攤平收納。既立體又扁平的特殊編織,是 Kamaro’an 自有的專利結構。

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NT $14,000

  • Double Tanned Calf

    The semi-vegetable tanned leather uses calf hide from Europe. After a special process, the leather is soft and elastic, the surface is scratch-resistant and dirt-resistant, and can be slightly exposed to water. At the same time, it also retains the beautiful color of the vegetable-tanned leather that darkens over time.

    We are proud that this unique semi-vegetable tanned leather was independently developed by Kamaro’an and Taiwan’s leather factories after months of repeated tests.



    特殊的半植鞣皮革,使用來自歐洲的小牛皮,經過特殊製程使皮革柔軟有彈性、表面耐刮耐髒且可以輕微接觸水,同時亦保有植鞣革隨時間變深的美麗色澤。我們引以為傲的是,這款獨特的半植鞣革,是 Kamaro’an 與台灣的皮革工廠歷經數月反覆測試,獨立研發而成的。

    扣件使用來自義大利的 PRYM 純銅實心釦。

  • Basket: 30 x 25 x 22
    Clutch: 30 x 15 x 2

    Strap Drop: 15