Gourd Hand Basket

Gourd Hand Basket


The Gourd Hand Basket is a nod to the traditional Pangcah rice cooker called “Tatoronan“.

Sized to fit daily needs, a two-way bag.

*Includes a linen drawstring bag.
*Includes an adjustable leather strap and a linen strap.






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  • 草木纖維織帶



    草編包是台灣擁有三代歷史製帽廠的老師傅以木頭製具手工車縫而成的,如果收納時擠壓到形狀,以熨斗或掛燙機順著外型線條熨燙,包包可以恢復形狀。也歡迎回來 Kamaro’an House,我們提供不收費的草編保養服務。




    Straw Braid

    In the Archetype collection, Kamaro’an collaborated with a Taiwan hat factory with an 80-year-old history. We use the old hat sewing technique for bag making.

    The hat factory has a unique technique to web infinite-length straw braid and has a wealth of sewing legacy. We also developed a special sewing method and coating to make the bag strong and durable.

    Italian Vegetable Tanned Leather

    Vegetable-tanned cowhide has a smooth finish while retaining the natural full grain with a unique aspect and touch.

    Over time, the leather tanned by vegetables will nourish and evolve, developing a patina.


  • Ø17 x 20
    Handle: 9
    Strap: Adjustable

  • 2022

  • @nacu_dongi, @hali_sawmah_, @_imayyyyyyy, @yiinning,